Heidelberg Deathfest 2018 Part 3

Heidelberg, March 24th: the place and the date you don't want to miss, as it will host the Heidelberg Deathfest 2018.

With "Support Your Local Death!“ chosen as the official slogan, the festival will present international acts as well such as the headliners Asphyx or Benighted. All in all it will be a bit more old-school when compared to previous editions, but will remain the right place to be for all fans of extreme metal music! Besides that, HDDF will feature a (Death)-Metal-Market, a Chill-Out Lounge and a Food-Area.

Be part of one of the best death metal events in Germany’s most beautiful city Heidelberg!

Doors 13.00 Hrs, Start 13.30 Hrs - Presale 35€ / Box Office 42€


Asphyx (Death / Doom Metal) facebook.com-officialasphyx
GUT (Grindcore/Porngrind) facebook-GUTSOUNDSYSTEM
Deserted Fear (Death Metal) - facebook-desertedfear
Benighted (FR, Brutal Deathgrind) - facebook-brutalbenighted
Milking The Goatmachine (Goatgrind) - facebook-milkingthegoatmachine
Gutalax (CZ, Gore `n` Roll) - facebook-GUTALAX
Legacy (Death Metal) metal-archives
Revel In Flesh (90’s styled Death Metal) - facebook-Revel-in-Flesh
Skinned Alive (Old School Death Metal) - facebook-SkinnedAliveOfficial
Bösedeath (Slam Death Metal) - facebook-BOESEDEATH
Moronic (Death Metal) - facebook-moronic.officia

The following merch will be available at Heidelberg Deathfest 2018

MDD Records - facebook.-MDDShop
Revenge Productions - facebook-Revenge-Productions
Rising Nemesis Records - facebook-RNRecords
Rotten Roll Rex - facebook-rottenrollrex.de


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