SludgeHammer - Organ Harvester EP

SludgeHammer is a four member Metal band consisting of Chris Szarota- Vocals, Jeff Wilson- Guitars, Dan Ayers- Bass and Backing Vocals, Fernando Villalobos- Drums. They are based out of Toronto, Ontario.

Organ Harvester is a self released EP on August 28th 2014. In terms of production its a great sounding recording. Solid guitar sound and stomping bass riffing. Drums are upfront and devastating. Vocals range from deep guttural to high and clear singing. Well executed solo work fit perfectly with the vast arrangements of rhythms.

This band started out in May 2013 and have a previous self titled demo at bandcamp. My first impression upon listening to the opening track of this new EP, the band is well rounded and very talented. Strong metal roots are obvious, but the way they blend several styles of death, groove, thrash, and even melodic metal is impressive. Never a dull moment and it makes each song distinct from each other. Consider the length of time they have been together as a band, they craft their music effortlessly while most bands take years to find their style this band has done it fairly quickly and gathered many elements of the metal genre into a cohesive arrangement that is sure to please many metalheads around the world. 

In total there are six tracks. Although I enjoyed the entire EP some of the more stand out songs for me would have to be Wendigo, since I am a fan brutal death metal, this particular song resonates to me. Great grinding drums with excellent double kick execution along with blistering high speed solos, its definitely one of my favorite tracks. Rising Spirits, the song gives me that old school thrash metal feeling, memorable solos too. Payment Due, an excellent bass intro, then a clean strumming twelve string acoustic chimes in leading us into classic metal onslaught. 

In conclusion, a great EP with a variety of styles executed perfectly to give it a unique appeal. I recommend it to all metal fans; death, groove, thrash and melodic. There is something to enjoy in each composition. 



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