Blood Of The Wolf | Live Performance photos | Main pics posted to the band Page

Greetings, this is the second post regarding the photos posted to the official Blood Of The Wolf band page and were taken by EvilVVitchSure at Liar's Club. These pictures were edited in LR 6 and a fast update to be able to use the ARW format that the camera was set for.

The last time my PC crashed I lost my LR app and its update. I since have found the original Updater but the site is listing that it will no longer support any updates after December 31 2023. I have saved the update to my PC and will probably be added to my drive just in case.

It is upsetting that they are pushing everyone to a subscription-based program and the original purchase that would allow stand-alone use will not be honored anymore.

If you are at all interested in the camera we used here, it is a Sony A6300 with and adapted Canon 24mm lens. The file set was in ARW format. The ISO is very good for this camera and not much is needed to get a solid photo with even a high ISO of 2000.

Below were the final photos everyone agreed that was the best from the set of almost 120. I reduced it down to 14. Here they are, please comment and let me know if you were at the show.


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