Featured artist Chris Krueger

 1) Hello and welcome, please tell our readers a little about yourself? Where are you from? What is your current occupation? 

My name is Chris Leone and I am a horror artist from New Jersey but friends like to call me Chris Krueger. I also play heavy metal guitar. 

2) When did your interest in drawing begin? 

I just drew naturaly when I was a child and as a teen. I was something that I just did. I have a lot of relative that are artists and musicians.

3) Your style of art sometimes features dark and atmospheric themes, is there a point in time when that became your dominant form of art? If so, what band or artist inspired you first? 

I am very inspired by bands like Danzig, King Diamond and Black Sabboth. As far as artist I like Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo and Simon Bisley. I’ve actually met Boris Vallejo at an gallery in NYC.

4) When exactly was the creation of your Art page, how has it helped by promoting your work?

I created my facebook art page about 9 years ago. I’ve done a lot of art shows and when I meet people I give them my art page so they can stay in touch and keep track of what I’m doing. 



5) How many bands have you done t-shirt/cd cover art for? 

I did cd artwork for a for a thrash band called Detene. It was cool but really didn’t show any of my really art skills. I wasn't that happy with it. 

6) Are you a self thought artist or did you have any teachers?

I went to the Newark School of Fine and Indusrial art. I studied Fine Art and had a lot of different teachers.

 7) Name some of your most notable accomplishments? Any big bands that have used your work? Any projects or piece that made an impact?

When I attend art shows most people like my vampire art. I’ve done Bela Legosi and Christopher Lee.

 8) Name some of the places or blogs that have featured your artwork?  

Stokedville pop cuture store in Montclair, 2017-2019

Comic Explosion comic Book store 2017-2018

Hasbrouck Heights Expo, 2017-2018

ToyCon NJ, 3,4,5,6, 2015-2016

Digable Arts Festival in Hoboken, 2010

Art and Music Festival, 2009

The Carnival of Darkness Film Festival, 2009

9) What are your aspiration and goals 2024? What are your current projects?

I’m not sure what the year will bing but currently illustrating t-shirts.

10) If any bands/labels/zines etc.. want to get in contact with you, what is the best way to reach you?

My email is Rockchris3d@hotmail.com

11) Thanks so much for participating in my zine, the last lines are for you, any final thoughts?

Artist out there just keep making art!


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