Abaddon - Abaddon

Heavy power metal band from Mexico. The band has been around since 1985 and this is their first full length. Previous release was a split in 1987, Escuadron Metalico (Proyecto Dos) in which they had one song. This album has ten tracks and is released through Last Warrior Records in 2010. Vocals are performed by Atenea and I must say she has an amazing vocal performance on this album. They label themselves power metal but I hear a thrash metal influence like early Thanatos or Iron Maiden killers.
The lyrics are all in Spanish. The title track Abaddon has a cool start, fast drums raw guitar. Claro de Luna en Misa Negra reminds me a bit of early Megadeth in the beginning. Cuenta Final, fast pace track thrash metal influence is apparent on this one. Formas Del Mal, probably my favorite song on the album, the production on the drums could be better. there are many times where I heard the drums doing some amazing stuff but because of the production it did not come through as well as it should have. Madame Bathory, clean guitar and synths make a great intro, there are also some great dual female/male vocalizing and features awesome melodic rhythms. Pesadilla Mortal, bass plays a big role on this track which is cool, I can hear how well the the bass player holds down his riffs. Noches de Metal, vocals highlight the majority of this album and this track they are particularly great, we get to hear the guitar doing some solo action and its done well. Duenos de la Obscuridad, guitars (Alfredo) and (Geocosta) has killer trade offs as well as harmonized arrangements. Overall I like the entire thing, vocals being my favorite part of this experience. I recommend this for fans of early Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Overkill and even early Flotsam n Jetsam.
~Frank G.
Review publication in AEA zine #22

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