Blinded By Faith - Chernobyl Survivor

Chernobyl Survivor is the latest album released by Canadian speed, death metal machine Blinded By Faith. The intensity hits me from the first few notes. The opening track immediately takes hold and delivers an introduction that tells your brain "these guys are brutal as fuck". The title track "Chernobyl Survivor" has some interesting vocals that remind me of early Exodus (Paul Baloff). There are vocal harmonies that distinguish them with an overall blend of high, mid, low and clean. You might think this is to much, but the band has figured out how to do it so that its balanced and in perfect doses. "So Speaks The Voice of Law" opening riff is great, the first verse kicks in and blows me away. I found myself digging this song and playing it loud on my stereo. "Dead End", guitars are blazing fast and precise, every riff slams. There is a high level of talent in the solos which I enjoy very much. "Stranger In The Mirror" Keyboards do an amazing job at creative passages within all the other instruments. This album also features some guest, David Habron (Keyboard) on the song "So Speak The Voice of Law" Jean-Francois Racine on the keyboard solo for "Alone", Danny Emond Keyboard and Antoine Baril Bass."Drastic Medicine", a montage of elaborate arrangements. 'Face The Race", a mosh inducing track, sort of reminds me of old At The Gates or The Haunted. "Shrivelled Wings", considering how complex the beginning of the album is, this one track is straight forward but compliments perfectly showing they can do simple riffs and stay brutal an allowing the listener to stay interested without been overdone with riffs. "Alone', reminiscent of the early days of In Flames, a memorable track that will be spinning in my thoughts for a time to come, props to the great keyboards on this song. "Bitter Aftertaste", liking the drums, they are well produced. All the rhythms add to the already powerful guitar  arrangements and bring it to the very top. "Pornscars", an interesting topic, reading the lyrics and understanding where the content is leading, the title saids it all and one has to experience the track to comprehend. "Prophet of Nothing", more on the thrash metal side of things and its a perfect way to complete this album. I recommend this band to fans of all metal genres as they deliver on all aspects of the metal spectrum you are bound to find something in each composition to enjoy.

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