DEVILLE - "Heavy Lies The Crown" Band interview and insight


1- Hello and welcome to Metal Music Midwest, first off, thanks for taking the time to do the interview, could you give our readers a brief description of the group? 

Hello and thank you! Formed back in 2004 by friends and family, playing basically stonerrock in the beginning and have transformed into a heavy rock/metal band nowadays. Are about to release the 6:th album and have done around 500 shows in Europe and in the U.S.

Where is the band from? Malmoe, Sweden

2- "Come Heavy Sleep" is the band's first full album, how long did it take to write?

“Come Heavy Sleep” from 2007 took about two years to write. Started out as an EP but the record company wanted a full album.

3- What musical influence inspires the bands compositions?

In the beginning it was Soundgarden, Kyuss, QOTSA and Foo Fighters but now it is a lot more metal like earlier Mastodon and other kind of progressive metal but also bands like Entombed.

4- The group started in 2004, can you tells us how did you all meet?

In 2004 we did our first shows as Deville. The original line-up had played in different constellations a couple of years before but hadn´t really found our sound so when we did the first demoes with heavier guitars and overall heavier sound we felt we were on the right way. We met through mutual friends and family and in the scene here in Malmoe.

5- The new album title is "Heavy Lies The Crown", can you give us details about the content and more in depth meaning to this title?

“Heavy Lies The Crown” is our 6:th album and is really just a straight forward cover and title for this album and it is as simple as it sounds that with great power comes responsibility. The record was made during a long time from 2020-2022 and recorded early 2022. The songs have been worked on a lot and it is a very diverse rock/metal record.

6- Each member of this project is part of another band, how do you maintain a good balance working together? 

Well Deville is a pretty active touring band so if you are in it you should be prepared that there´s a lot of things going on so it takes some planning but normally works out. 

7- Have you performed any shows in your area? if so, how receptive and supportive are the people to your music? 

Yes, we have done some pretty good shows the latest years here back home and we try not to play too often so it can be something special when we once do it. Closing the city festival a couple of times and filled some clubs here so it has been quite good.

8- Are there any upcoming shows or tours you can tell us about? 

Touring starts in September in Europe so just take a look on our sites for a show near you.

9- Thanks for your participation, finally, what is the best way to get a hold of the band, in case someone wants to book or promote the band? Contact Rudy, . He takes care of it all!

Any final words?

Hope you will enjoy the new record and hope to see to you on the shows! Thanks! 

Andreas Bengtsson (vox/guitar in Deville)

Interview and promo provided by The Metallist


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