Soul Grinder exclusive interview and Album Anthems From The Abyss

 1-Hello and welcome to Metal Music Midwest, first off, thanks for taking the time to do the interview, could you give our readers a brief description of the group? Where is the band from?

Hi it's Mathias - Bassplayer & Vocalist of Soul Grinder. The band was formed in January 2018 - Bremen (North Germany)

Soul Grinder are: 

Mathias - Bass & Vocals. Jan - Guitars & Backing Vocals. Maté - Drums

2- “Anthems From The Abyss” is the band's new album, how long did it 

MATHIAS: I can't say it really exactly, because  Maté and Jan are writing songs all the time, and when we released the previous EP ''Lifeless Obsession'' in 2021, some songs were already written, so it's different from record to record.

3- What musical influence inspires the bands compositions?

MATHIAS: Jan and Maté are responsible for the songwriting. I know they listen to different kinds of metal and rock ... so I think they will probably experiment with several elements as well. But I know they like Suffocation, Bolt Thrower, Sinister, Vomitory and stuff like that. Me too btw. ^^

 4- The group started in 2018, can you tells us how did you all meet?

MATHIAS: Jan an me already known each other for many years. In those days, we both played in different metal bands that were touring together. A few years later, our ways have split for a longer time and each of us was after his own projects. One day, Jan asked me if I am interested in starting a new death metal band with him and I agreed, but there was a problem, we got no capable drummer... and so we stopped planning on the project. In 2018, Maté joined us as a drummer and Soul Grinder was born.

5- The album title is “Anthems From The Abyss”, can you give us details about the content and more in depth meaning to this title?

MATHIAS: We have choosen this name because the contents of the lyrics are  dealing with the abysses of human nature, but apocalyptic scenarios and horror stories à la H.P. Lovecraft as well.

So each song is telling it's own little horror story about cruelty and vileness, thats why we titled this album ''ANTHEMS FROM THE ABYSS''.

6- Each member of this project is part of another band? How do you maintain a good balance working together?

MATHIAS: Actually, at the moment only Maté is still playing in another band, but it's no problem. We just have to talk about the live dates and take care to have no overlaps. 

 7- Have you performed any shows in your area? if so, how receptive and supportive are the people to your music?

MATHIAS: It's different from show to show. Sometimes the audience is totaly thrilled and the show is going to be a killer, or the people are very bored no matter how hard you exert yourself, or everything is shity... there is no warranty for anything.

8- Are there any upcoming shows or tours you can tell us about?

MATHIAS:  Yes, we have 4 remaining gigs for 2022 and many new shows are planed for 2023. But the most important date ist this:

25th Nov. 22 - Bremen / Zollkantine (Release Show - Anthems from the Abyss)

9- Thanks for your participation, finally, what is the best way to get a hold of the band, in case someone wants to book or promote the band? Any final words?


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