Inconcessus Lux Lucis - Crux Lupus Corona

Inconcessus Lux Lucis is band from Manchester, UK. It is a two member project consisting of  W. Malphas - Guitars/Drums/Vocals, A. Baal - Bass Guitar. Genre is described as Saturnian Black Magic.

Crux Lupus Corona EP released on November 2014 through I, Voidhanger Records. Raw production quality. Drums are ok but sometimes the kicks are difficult to hear, just a minor observation. Guitars have a slight distortion and not over processed. The bass has good tone. You get to hear the bass really good in the song Lupus. Vocals go from clean singing to black metal and all the lyrics are comprehensible.

The EP is four tracks totaling seventeen minutes. The band blends different styles of early heavy metal like Candlemass or Draconia with touches of black metal stitching it all together. Lots of classic heavy metal solo approach which fit the song structures perfectly. Some of the tracks the caught my ears was Crux, for some reason it completely reminded me of old Megadeth, So far So Good... album, maybe it was the solos but that's what came to my mind. Corona is another strong contender for replay. 

In conclusion, a good release and has a lot to offer to both old generation of metal heads as well as the new. I recommended for fans of Black Sabbath, old Megadeth or Venom. ~Artemortifica



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