Cryptic Realms - Eve of Fatality

Cryptic Realms is a four piece band consisting of Kostas Analytis (All Vocals), Tersis Zonato (Lead Guitar), Victor Varas (Bass Guitar), Uriel Aguillon (Guitars & Drums), Genre described as Death Metal. Band origin Intl; Greece, Romania, Brazil, Mexico 

Eve of Fatality demo released on September 2015 Weed Hunter Records (Germany), Bloody Productions (Spain). Upon lending my ears to this demo my first thoughts hark back to the early days of death metal, even the production contains that essence. Indeed flashes of early Pestilence, Morbid Angel, Grave and Malevolent Creation come to my head. This newly formed group come from other well know projects such as Abyssus (Greece), Necrorite (USA/Mexico), Offal (Brazil) and Tritton (Mexico). But their aim seems to be to bring forth the early roots of the genre which is pleasant to my ears since I grew listening to this exact style. The most stand out tracks to me would have to be Necrophagous for its creepy horror movie style intro that grabbed my attention right away and the song Nocturnal Desecration for it reminds me of Venom one of my favorite old time bands. My only complain is that it only contains four tracks. 

Final thoughts, catchy rhythms shredding solo work and vocals that reflect the roots of DM genre make this one worth blasting on your stereo speakers. ~Artemortifica



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