Odetosun - The Dark Dunes of Titan

Odetosun is a three piece Progmetal/Postmetal band from Augsburg. Members are Luke Stuchly - vocals, Gunther Rehmer - drums, percussion, Benny Stuchly - electric/acoustic guitar, bass guitar, keyboards.

The Dark Dunes of Titan LP self released on October 23, 2015. I remember obtaining my hard copy of their first release "Gods Forgotten Orbit" and how enthralled I was after experiencing this band. You can read the review here odetosun-gods-forgotten-orbit. So, it has been two years and this is their latest creation. To be honest, I am very excited to hear this LP. From the opening track "At the Shore of the Ammonia Sea" which totals ten minutes, I was already moving my head. Seems like all the elements of the previous compositions are exhibited here but with much better production and reaching another level in their writing process. "Machine Horizon" comes in and it kills, it is heavy, catchy, thunderous and makes me want to punch things, well executed. By far the longest song on here is the title track "The Dark Dunes Of Titan", fifteen minutes to be exact, the composition never gets dull, in fact it builds up into an immense trip through a dark universe, well, at least that's what I envision when listening to it. The song "Remember Sequoia Forest" reminds me of Pink Floyd or even early Cynic, enchanting, melodic and moves the spirit. Their music captivated me back then with melodic spacial guitars and sonic harmonies and this new material explores that path even further.

Final thoughts, the new material blows me away, I wish them further success and hope they can eventually make it to the states for some live performances. If you like deep soundscapes with an edge, then look no further. ~Artemortifica 



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