Fjorsvartnir - Mzoraxc' Forbandelse

Fjorsvartnir is Danish Melodic Black Metal project by Fjorgynn - Rhytm/lead Guitar, bas, vocals, keyboard programming, composer, mix/master/sound engineer. Live session musicians are Fjorgynn - Lead/rhytm guitar & vocal , Helgarm - Lead/rhytm/ guitar , Arent - Drums, Onslaughter - Keyboard - 

Mzoraxc' Forbandelse album released on Grom Records August 1, 2015. I spent a considerable amount time listening to this album. This is a deep exploration of dark passages and journeys. Every song holds its on characteristics and I ended up enjoying every single note. The compositions exhibit acoustic guitars and cryptic keyboard elements that are all arranged elegantly. The vocals are traditional black metal style with some spoken word and occasionally female vocals joining in, like on the track Krigssat. Honestly, this is one of those albums I can listen to from beginning to end and not get tired of it. If I had to pick favorites, it would have to be Riget, for its simple yet very effective melody that is very enchanting and Valkyrie, the opening to this track is just mesmerizing to my ears and the female vocals haunting. A great build up and all around killer song to jam to.

Final thoughts, I will be adding this one to my collection. This is a dark and sonic adventure to be investigated by people. The enchanting trips the music creates are pleasing to the ears. Melodic Black metal fans are sure to enjoy this but, I recommended to all metal fans as there is something to enjoy here for everyone. ~Artemortifica



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