Exclusive interview with Mastic Scum

To my loyal readers please give a warm welcome to the band Mastic Scum!!

 1- Hello and welcome to Metal Music Midwest, first off, thanks for taking the time to do the interview, could you give our readers a brief description of the group? Where is the band from? 

Death Metal made in Austria! Mechanized brutality, ear-annihilating scum! 

2- "ICON" is the band's 6th full album, how long did it take to write?

Maggo: Harry came up with the first ideas in 2018 or 2019... they were still like a t-800 skeleton. very raw and brutal. we gradually covered the skeleton with human tissue and finally installed the skynet AI. this is how this unstoppable machine developed and it has only one mission. kill!

3- What musical influence inspires the bands compositions?

Maggo: Fear Factory, Napalm Death and the daily scum

4- The group started in 1992, can you tells us how did you all meet?

Maggo: brothers Harry and Man Gandler founded Mastic scum. I often met the guys at concerts and we got along really well right from the start, which often ended in long after-show parties :-D

In 2008 we recorded a test song for the "DUST" album together. the gears meshed and the machine rolled! the rest is history.

5- The new album title is ICON, can you give us details about the content and more in depth meaning to this title?

Maggo: ICON is the gateway into the deep descent that leads to the next era of MASTIC SCUM. The concept behind ICON is about humans and their beliefs … the constant struggle between good and evil, faith and distrust, humanity and industry, analog and digital. Mankind was and will always be searching for the missing link, the lost piece of the jigsaw puzzle. On the new album ICON is key, not only thematically speaking, but in the band’s continued evolution of image and sound.

6- Each member of this project is part of another band, how do you maintain a good balance working together?

Maggo: I wouldn't call Mastic Scum a project. it is our main band and none of the members are active in other bands anymore. and right now there is no time for that.

I work on various studio projects on the side, but I do them purely for fun and for the love of extreme music. so I don't have any stress with it and the current focus is 100% on mastic scum for every member.

7- Have you performed any shows in your area? if so, how receptive and supportive are the people to your music?

Maggo: yes we have played a lot of shows in austria. I am of the opinion that the fans, especially in the metal sector, are very supportive. not only in austria but all over the world. people love and support the bands. no matter where we went i felt it the same everywhere and that's why i love the metal scene so much.

8- Are there any upcoming shows or tours you can tell us about?

Maggo: in the summer we played various festivals and in october we start our album-release-shows tour in all big cities in austria. there will also be a halloween show. and we are currently planning for next year. what is already certain is that we will play at the obscene extreme festival 2023, which i am personally looking forward to because it is one, if not THE, craziest death metal/grindcore festival in europe.

9- Thanks for your participation, finally, what is the best way to get a hold of the band, in case someone wants to book or promote the band? 

Any final words?

Maggo: if you want to get in contact with us visit our facebook or instagram pages or write directly to info@masticscum.com

check out our new album "ICON" and let the cold and brutality overwhelm you! Also lot of new merch is coming soon. Grab it! 

last words at the end... we are too many humans and the future is now. The new age of oblivion will rise and Skynet will take over.

be prepared or fucking die!

Thank you for the interview. cheers!

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