Ara - The Blessed Sleep

A four piece band from Milwaukee, WI. (Jerry Hauppa- guitars, James Becker- bass guitars / vocals, Adam Bujny- vocals, Erik Stenglein- drums) The Blessed Sleep is the debut E.P. by progressive tech-metal band Ara. The first track is "Entitled Ascension", a clean start then into some creative sliding type of riffs. Good production, drums are doing some involved playing which seem to be using uncommon time signatures, a complex style is evident. "Demise of Reason" the vocals remind me of old Gorefest at times but more guttural, on this track I hear some cool guitar licks taking place amidst the chaos. "The Blessed Sleep" is track three, sure does bring memories of early Meshugga, there is a bass line towards the end of this song that grabs my attention, very well composed, add in some pig squeal style vocalization and this one is a brutal track to be spinning. "Despair Personified" this song has some dual vocals happening, mid and high well executed. This band trows in many elements in each song some blues some grind some tech and others, well rounded musicians and impressive writing style. "Abyssal Banishment" is the last song in my journey in the world of Ara, straight forward DM style on this last composition, drums are brutalizing the senses with double kick assault through out. The cover to this album is simple and artistic compared to many in this genre, its simplicity makes it stand out in my eyes. An impressive debut and I very much look forward to the future to see how this band will evolve. You can visit them on FB and also purchase their EP on BandCamp with the links provided below.
My points for this album 7/10

Ara Facebook
Ara BandCamp
Publication to Wolfhound Metal radio and magazine


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