Exhumer - Degraded by Sepsis

Comatose Music Release, October 15 2013. Degraded By Sepsis is the full length album by Italian BDM, grind band Exhumer. Members are: Marco "Furiogrind" Aromatario - Guitars & Insult, Alyosha Danisi - Bass, Paolo Damato - Drums, Diego Fanelli - Vocals & Insults.

The band has been creating their brand of music since 2004. This latest release starts of with the track "Admire Your Ending", an intro of horror filled screams and madness. "Vapors of Cadaveric Mucilage", an excellent title and second song which is relentless in its attack. Ripping through like a battering ram and taking none stop progressions to another level. "Pungent Aroma of Uterine Necrosis", try saying that without vomiting. Machine like precision on the drums, almost reminds me of Origin, Brain Drill, Rings of Saturn and others of speed grinding brutality. "Effervescence of Corroded Coarse Remains", another long and sick title. Admire the speed and arrangements of riffs, true to hyper blast like those found in Necrophagist and Obscura albums. "Foaming Secretions", fans of slam death style are sure to check out this track, elaborate composition with complex time shifts and destructive vocals. "Misery", haunting and bone chilling keyboards, a dark horror filled song that will give nightmares for many nights to come. "Enzimas Podridas", my rough translation is Putrid Insides, that is my best guess. Really enjoying the guitar harmonies, although they might fly by novice listeners, more experienced ears can appreciate all the transitions taking place. "Scent of Decomposition", is another atmosphere building into the title track "Degrading Sepsis", staying true to its onslaught of murderous sounds, this song takes us into a dismal void that opens up into a madness of nightmarish visions. The final injection is "Putrescine", drums are a big highlight in this song, dynamics are abound, from quick stops to assaulting double kick work of monumental proportions.

In conclusion, this album sets the bar very high for DM grind music, catchy slams and technical arrangements conceived in the most maniacal extremes.  




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