Dark Recollections Fanzine 1 review

Dark Recollections Fanzine 1 is dedicated to Heavy Metal, Thrash and total underground music. Released in the later months of 2012, this is a half page print size, black and white, cut and paste style publication. The editor and publisher is from Mexico, but the entire zine is written in English.

This is a straight forward style presentation. Several interviews comprise the majority of this zine with the last two pages dedicated to reviews. Feature bands are Carrion, Cauchemar, Envenomed, Heaven Hoof, Militia, Zuul, Entrails, Mausoleum Gate, Stone Demons, and Blizaro. A good line of interview questions gives the reader an in depth look at the inter-workings of the groups as far as writing, recording and stories of live shows, experiences from the past and most current events. Interesting Dracula style cover and Black Crow with skulls on the back cover. I enjoy the cut and paste method which adds to the effect of the old school imagery. There are no ads or any other promotion aside from the interviews and reviews. There are small art designs throughout and the interviews have a full page image of the band or art from a particular demo or album.

Not sure if this issue is still available. You can visit the zine FB page but there has not been an update since 2012. Email contact is darkrecollectionsfanzine@hotmail.com
Thanks to Dave Wolf (Aea Zine) for providing me this copy of rare publication.




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