Toxoid - Aurora Satanae

Toxoid is a band from India. Members are Adnan Khan - Lead Guitar/ Vocals, Sagar sidhanti - Drums, Paul Marandi - Bass, Angad Singh - Guitar. Genre described as Satanic Black Metal. 

Aurora Satanae, album released on December 7th, 2014 Transcending Obscurity Distribution. Rising from the deep darkness of the abyss, this is a slab of sheer terror. Comprised of raw and relentless music to crush the senses. The album consist of six tracks. Pure malevolence thru every orifice. The title track Aurora Satanae hits high marks on my radar. Like the early days of Black Metal, blistering blast beats and demonic screams. Thy Infernal Defloration starts with a haunting melody, then melts the mind with unhinged black metal devastation. The production is not the best, but its dirty and harsh sound adds to the dark atmosphere being created.

My final thoughts. the music is an intense and powerful projection of BM. Its raw quality only serves to add an extra dimension of horror to the already spine crushing sounds. ~Artemortifica



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