Sepulchral Curse - A Birth in Death

Sepulchral Curse is a four piece death metal band from Finland. Members include Kari Kankaanpää - Vocals, Jaakko Riihimäki - Guitars, Tommi Ilmanen - Drums, Niilas Nissilä - Bass. 

A Birth in Death album released on December 15th, 2014, Chaos & Hell Productions. Here we have four tracks from the great depths of hell. The vocals are pure demonic infestation. Low and destructive. There are high vocals as well which add a second dimension to the experience. Some of the bands that come to mind as I listen are, Suffocation, Entombed, Grave and Gorefest.  The whole thing is over rather quickly but the tracks are catchy enough to stick with you long after the EP is over. Songs like Demonic Pestilence are crushing and reflect the early dm style of the 90s. Torn to Shreds is another stand out and will make you want to punch things. I enjoyed the entire ride. The EP is powerful and will be a great addition to any metal fans library. ~Artemortifica



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