Exclusive interview with Black Reuss

To my readers, please give a warm welcome to Black Reuss

Hello and welcome to Metal Music Midwest, first off, thanks for taking the time to do the interview, could you give our readers a brief description of the group? Where is the band from?

I have to thank you for your interest in Black Reuss and taking the time. 

I currently live with my family in the Principality of Liechtenstein.  After playing and touring in bands for almost 30 years, I had enough and took a break. As time went on, I felt more and more that something was missing in my life. Music makes me feel good and is a perfect balance for my life. So in 2017, I started writing one song after another, trying different sound designs as well. Until in 2019, I found a way to realize what's inside of me. And that is Black Reuss. Black Reuss is 100 percent my own music that comes from deep inside me. So I worked for three years on how to get to that sound, and developed the Tetralogy concept that I'm implementing now. Stylistically I move in the area of melodic, doom, gothic metal.

2- Journey is the band's second full album, how long did it take to write?

The writing journey took me around a year.

3- What musical influence inspires the bands compositions?

I have been influenced by many artists. My musical horizon is very broad. I listen to everything from classical to jazz, from alternative rock to metal, from doom to stoner rock...from electronica to urban. But rock is my thing. That's the music that touches me the most. Something just happens there.  But there are also artists who are not only great musicians but also great people. When someone is very authentic and lives what they do, it's very inspiring and you can hear that in the music. I find many things inspiring. Not only music, but also other things. There are many people or events that have inspired me. Even a lot of things in the nature is inspiring. For Black Reuss, lifecycle has a big influence. The current project consists of four albums. Metamorphosis, Journey, Arrival and Death. This is my life flow and the four milestones each packaged as an album. The first three are retrospective, the last one will have to be projective. I am sure that everything that touches my soul, has an Influence, but technically I am not relating to any specific movie, art or literature. Is just what happened to me, and still happens, while I'm growing up…

4- The group started in 2017 can you tells us how did you all meet?

Actually, Black Reuss is a one man show. It is produced like a band, but its only me. I write everything, produce everything, play all instruments in my own studio, beside the drums, the mix and the mastering. On the new album Journey, there is Diego Rapacchietti from the legendary Swiss band Coroner, playing the drums. And we recorded at Tommy Vetterlis, from Coroner as well, in his Newsound studio. Diego and Tommy did a great Job and brought great Ideas on the Drums. For the production, the vcocals are Recorded at erreDIelle studio in Switzerland by Vocal engineer Roberto Deluca, the mix is made by Roberto Macis at Solid Twin Studio in Italy. Finally the album has been mastered by Giovanni Versari at La Maestá Studio.

5- The new album title is Journey can you give us details about the content and more in depth meaning to this title?

The current project consists of four albums. Metamorphosis, Journey, Arrival and Death. This is my life flow and the four milestones each packaged as an album. 

In terms of the actual album Journey, this is how I experienced the journey. At some point, when the transformation is far advanced, you have enough strength to go on the journey. The whole thing starts with Exodus, that's the outbreak. Then comes Dejection where you realize that a lot of things are routine, but the pressure of suffering is not enough to continue working on you. Egression is the realization that mistakes, and setbacks are okay, and that you can also draw new energy from them. With Hole I address the fact that much of life is simply material rubbish and that it doesn't matter. With Fail you realize that making mistakes is human and that you don't have to be afraid of them. When you realize that, you are sitting deep in your life's saddle. If you then also give your feelings space, little can throw you off track. But there are always setbacks, and the danger is, that what you have changed becomes routine and then everything starts all over again. 

You need these moments regularly. I often call this life spring cleaning. Get rid of the old negative, take the positive with you and make room for the new. I think you are very well advised to create so few dependencies in your life. Because these make you slow and rob you of spontaneity. That's what Dependence is about. In the end, you realize that integrity is something enormously important. One of my most important values is to have integrity. And don't forget that affection is the fuel of life. Both giving and receiving. I am lucky to have people around me who give me a lot of affection and I love to give it. It does the heart so much good and is a gift. All this together leads to redemption.  The decision to seek happiness and find redemption there. Even if there are setbacks again and again, or even if you carry signs on you forever from your struggles. If you search for happiness, there is at least the hope that you will eventually arrive and become one with yourself.

6- Each member of this project is part of another band, how do you maintain a good balance working together?

As I said, it is only me, so no problems maintaining a good balance…

7- Have you performed any shows in your area? if so, how receptive and supportive are the people to your music?

At the moment, I don't have a band to play live. Now I'm concentrating on writing and creating. Playing live turns me on a lot, but it must be the right time and setting. If I feel that there are really people out there who want to see Black Reuss live, then I will do it.

8- Are there any upcoming shows or tours you can tell us about?

No shows at the moment.

9- Thanks for your participation, finally, what is the best way to get a hold of the band, in case someone wants to book or promote the band? 

Any final words?

Thank you for the support and the opportunity to say a few things. 

To make it short, you can find everything www.blackreuss.ch and on the social channels.

My final thoughts... Do exactly what you want and do it well. Follow through with what is close to your heart and persevere.


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