Prayer of the Dying - In Silence And Grief We Decay

A Nekrogoat Heresy Production released in 2011. One man BM project from Iklin, Malta. Prayer of the Dying is Martin Ciappara and this album is "In Silence And Grief We Decay". At almost a full hour worth of music, you have to admire the conviction of this musician. The Intro leads us into the darkest realms of experience and brings in the first track Memento of Decay, very good quality all the levels are balanced, all instruments clear and distinct. King of Terrors, loving all the riffs on this song, its amazing all the layers combined at times reminds me of early Samael or Bathory. Besides all the regular instruments (drums,guitar,bass,vocals) there is also keyboards! yes Martin has composed every piece you hear and with amazing talent. Destitute Throne, a morbid atmosphere builds into a war like field, heavy rhythms and raw guitars with a mix of clean and BM style vocal duality. Dead Embers, straight to the point lyrics, memorable passages. Sheltering Cliffs, is an instrumental, its builds a battle like surrounding, a great musical piece. Wastelands, has a doom metal feel to it through the entire composition, almost  reminds me of early Paradise Lost, which is great since I am a fan of them. Destructive Minds, early Behemoth comes to mind when I hear this track, features some crunchy style riffs in the chorus parts. Two other full length albums by this project include; "Structures of Dying Matter" 2007, "From the Mouth of The Passing" 2008, "Ghastly Laments" EP 2008, "Turn to Dust in Agony" demo 2008, and several splits in between, Martin is a busy guy. I respect how much a single individual can accomplish and he truly is a testament to the DIY spirit. Back to the album. "Dripping Woods" is track number nine, and its a magnificent piece leading with a clean twelve string acoustic melody and building an enchanting dark atmosphere. "Slain in The Name of God", most likely my favorite song in the entire album, it is one I played on my stereo several times. there are many elements to it, from fast and aggressive to mid-pace mosh style riffs, along with dark keys to tie it all together, the song is an amazing composition. In conclusion my exploration of this band has been a surprising adventure and I recommend it for fans of early Samael, Bathory, Behemoth and Paradise Lost.
~Frank G. 
Publication in AEA zine #22

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