Sixpounder - Ruled by Anger

Three piece thrash metal band Sixpounder has been creating their brand of thrash metal since 2007 and this is their first album release, "Ruled by Anger" through Xreviews 2012. Stand for all Life, a hard hitter from the start, heavy guitars well executed rhythms. The title track Ruled by Anger is a hard driven experience mainly brought forth by the bass which has great production quality in the entire disc, there is also an official video for this song and it can be viewed on Youtube. Rise in Terror, almost reminds me of Megadeth in some parts, bass is doing some killer lines and we get to hear some fancy guitar work which is very good. The Marksman, probably my favorite song of this album, its begins with the entire rhythm section holding the main riffs and I got a very good idea of the skills both drums and bass player have from the moment I heard it. The One, this track will have you headbanging, a thrashy composition reminiscent of D.R.I. Get Insane, my mind is thinking of early Suicidal Tendencies through the majority of this song, well executed. Become A Saint, is the final song and I envision a big mosh pit beginning when performed in a live situation. The production is good, all the instruments are strong, I recommend for fans of D.R.I. early Anthrax, Overkill, or Suicidal Tendencies.   
~Frank G,
Publication in AEA zine #22

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