Scion Rock Fest 2013 summary

Scion Rock fest in Memphis TN 6-1-13. Free festival took place in the historic Blues Town of Memphis on Beale street and Peabody Place. Bands that participated - New Daisy: A Life Once Lost, Vektor, Corrosion of Conformity, Municipal Waste, Melvins, Testament. Handy Park: Complete Failure, Gigan, Arsis, Impaled, Noisem, Six Feet Under. Club 152: Inter Arma, Ice Dragon, Subrosa, Gates of Slumber, Pallbearer, The Obsessed. Hard Rock: Call of the Void, Rotting Out, Code Orange Kids, Vision of Disorder, Touche' Amore, Negative Approach, The Casualties

There were so many great moments that took place, watch my video to hear about my entire experience.


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