Soylent Zine 1 - review

Soylent Zine #1 is a B/W Half page (A5) publication released in the Spring 2013. Glossy hard cover and semi gloss pages inside. Written in English. This issue is a tribute to the band Fondlecorpse and produced/distributed by Dead Beat Shop: Label, Zine, specializing in extreme music, Import t-shirts, Mags, Hats, Bags, Cds, Vinyl, Cassettes, patches and stickers. Based out of Penang Malysia. Issue copy provided to me by Dave W. at Aea Zine.

The zine has a pro look compared to others. The cover art is by Ironworx Gravefix. High detailed grabs the eyes right away. There is a huge amount of content with introduction by The Jenglot. The editors are Zuul Scum and Jill Girardi. Feature interviews with Kam Lee, Machetazo, Possessed, Hooded Menace, Rotgut, Ruinebell, Stiff and Cold Zine, Tales from the Sick Zine, Fondlecorpse, Sorrow, Bizarre Charlie Alien, Nadir, Cauchemar, Anima Morte, and 62nd Chamber Productions. Having a full team dedicated to the zine give it several dimensions and points of view. The art work is in traditional underground style of gore, brutality and splatter. I enjoy reading the interviews and checking out the art at the same time. The Fondlecorpse interview is the highlight. Very detailed account of the ups and downs of the band, the current projects and history of previous releases, is a great read. Stiff and Cold fanzine, Jill interviews the editor and they discuss candidly about what it takes to put all the content and material together as well as previous zines she has work on. The interview with Kam Lee is very insightful, as he discusses his latest musical and art projects. Here is the list of contributing writers who helped put together this awesome zine; The Gorenome, Victor Metal, Chan Shek Weng, Tanya Sim, Emese Tatrai, Goatrider, Brian Straight, and Cristian Barbieri. Fans of pure and true underground be sure to check this out. Contact info: and for regular snail mail contact at: Soylent Zine c/o Dead Beat Shop Lot 2b-04-05 4th Floor Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak (Komptar) 10000 Georgetown, Penang Malaysia


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