Mithridatic - Miserable Miracle

Mithridatic is a five piece band, members are Guitou - Vocals. Romain Sanchez - guitar. Alexandre Brosse - guitar lead. Remolow - Bass turbo. Kevin Paradis - Drums Ancien Membre Simon Digonnet - Drums (2007-2011). Music style is listed as, Death/Brutal Black Metal. Band location, Saint Etienne.

Miserable Miracle album to be released on Kaotoxin Records 11 March 2016. My first impression is, dark and menacing. Very good production, Heavy and precise drum sound, killer guitar tone for both rhythm and solo riffs. The band offers us nine devastating tracks full of energy and aggression punishing the senses every step of the way with primal execution. Some of the influences that maybe noted would be Vader, Immolation, Belphegore, Emperor and Behemoth. The massive waves of sonic madness coming through the speakers are highly impressive.

My favorite songs from this release would have to be "Funambule Penitent, this song combines grinds and complex arrangements and delivers a savage blow. "Hell Compasses Points", is probably my favorite from this entire album. Set this one on maximum volume and prepare to be destroyed.

In conclusion, one of the heaviest promos I have listen to for the month of March. If you want high violence and relentless battery, then this is the album for you.



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