Evil Nerfal - Bellum Est Pater Omnium

Evil Nerfal is a black metal band from Colombia.
Website facebook-EvilNerfal Album released through Grimm Distribution and Morbid Skull records.

Bringing us closer to the void. Bellum Est Pater Omnium is an album featuring ten tracks.
The amount of melodic and technical riffs in this release is impressive. Yes, definitely black metal at its roots, but the more you listen the more convinced of the complexity of music arrangements. You can clearly hear it in the song  "En las Fauces del Demonio" it is very evident that these are very talented musicians. Let's chat about drums.
With the majority of songs, the drum keep up with great intensity and offer interesting fills to keep you on your toes. The band had a previous album in 2016 that is also worth checking out.

In conclusion, if you want brutal and dark than look no further.

See more about the reviews here in this video 


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