Manipulation - The Future Of Immortality

Manipulation is a four piece band, members are: Rado.Slav, Bysiek, Vulture, Kriss
Music style is listed as, metal. Band location, Poland. Web site facebook-manipulation

The Future of Immortality is a reissue by Grimm Distribution and Satanath Distro. It features eight powerful songs. Starting with a clean melodic strumming and then punching you straight in the gut. Listening to songs like "Sacred Science" and "Doctrine Over Person" will definitely get your blood pumping. The production is great. Heavy double kicks, aggressive guitar tones and massive vocal attack. Lets talk about the solos. Well executed, not over the top, but just enough to keep you interested. A lot time was taken to be sure everything flowed with precision.

In conclusion, powerful and relentless music is served up with pure velocity and never let's up. ~Artemortifica

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