Enoquian - Llamas De Gloria Primera

Enoquian is a black metal band, featuring two members. Not sure if its a full project, 
the promo sent to me shows a live performance photo with two members. Band location, Argentina.

Llamas de gloria primera album released on Satanath Records. No shortage of brutality. Every song on this release is crushing. It is very reminiscent of old Morbid Angel and Behemoth. Eight tracks of well delivered madness and velocity. The topics are all sung in spanish. Fast and precise drumming. Well though out riffs. Powerful vocal attack. With this release we get an overall idea of a dark voyage taking place. Songs like "Esclavizando al maestro" and "Destructores del ser" come at you with fierce potency. 

In conclusion, If you enjoy dark abysmal sounds, rooted in the path of black metal then look no further.

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