Triumvir Foul - An Oath of Blood and Fire

Triumvir Foul is a two piece band consisting of Cedentibus - Drums. Ad Infinitum - Guitars, Vocals. Genre described as Death Metal. Band origin Portland, Oregon.

An Oath of Blood and Fire EP released on vinyl March 20th 2015 through Third eye Temple. This was previously out on limited 100 cassette edition independently. The music is raw to the bone. Memories of the old ancient sounds of the dm genre come creeping into mind. The production quality is not the best, but it adds texture to the overall atmosphere. The Vacuum of Knots is a good way to introduce the listener to this morbid abyss. Brutal vocal work and blast beats. Abhorrent Depths, this track reminds me of old Dismember or Monstrosity. Silence Continuum, the main riff in this song is catchy and brutal. I would have to say it is one of my favorites from this EP. Finally, Embalmed (Autopsy cover) closes our journey. Spine shaking solo work the like of old Sepultura Schizophrenia recording. Crushing and devastating.

In conclusion, the tentacles of the dark side come pouring through the speakers from song to song. The EP carries the spirit of the old school methods of brutality. Fans of the original dm gereneration as well as the younger new comers will find something to enjoy in this recording.~Artemortifica



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