Dehuman Reign- Destructive Intent

Another killer release on FDA Rekotz July 26 2013. "Destructive Intent" is the album from Dehuman Reign a band from Berlin, comprised of  Totte, Ulf , Tesk, Rouven, and Alex. The first track is "Prelude to Perdition", deadly tones and dark landscapes are my first thoughts. Next up is "Extinction Machine" brutal as it gets in true DM manifestation, the raw guitars destroy with much velocity. "Invocation I Black Seed", a spell is been cast or demons being released from its long slumber, that's what I envision when I first heard this. "Irreversible Soul Consumption", great title. drums are intense, precise and very devastating. My favorite track on the disc so far. "Staring Beyond the Edge of Time", another awesome title. the composition reminds me of old Sinister or early Hypocrisy. Vocals are low and guttural on this song in particular towards the end. "Invocation II Scorched Earth", another incantation of malevolence which leads us into "Veil of Ignorance", excellent work, from riff to riff its by far the most intriguing song to me, although DM as fuck, they do it in their own style which shoots it straight to the top with aggression, intensity and pure madness."Masks of Sorrow", early Monstrosity or Immolation -very well executed. Amazing from beginning to end, hope they get more exposure and death metal fans should play close attention as there is so much to enjoy from this brutality.


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