Ritual of Odds - God is an Atheist

Melodic Death metal from Greece, God is an Atheist - album released in 2010. The band is comprised of: Kostas - Vocals, Petros - Drums, Nicolas-guitars and Marios - Bass. Previous work include Building Up the Underverse (demo) 2008 and Underverse (full length) January 2010, they are currently working on their third release. The first and title track is aggressive and brutal yet technical. Much talent is experienced right from the start. "Haunt' is a mosh stomper, very cool bass line can be heard on this track. "Deliverance" great verses and chorus, I can easily sing to this and all the content is clear and understandable. "Nightmare on Elm Street' an unexpected title but really good music plus it also happens to be one of my all time favorite movies. Very cool to listen to something that is away from the typical war or doom aspect and more based on a film, creative indeed in my opinion. On top of that at the 3:30 mark we get a haunting and captivating throw at the classic theme from Nightmare on Elm Street film. "Mist Covers Everything' many styles of vocalization are fitting together well, just enough of lows, highs and mids. "Masterplan" yet another song the stirs away from the rest -not to compare to much but definitely Slipknot influence I hear. "Boomerang" sirens begin in this track but is different than you standard intro much more involved, must speak on this talented guitar work, many great solos and clean parts showing a range of dynamics. "Crocodile Tears" I can envision a large mosh pit building to this song in a live situation, some grinding and sick double kicks towards the middle. "Leftovers of My Faith" catchy chorus and some excellent guitar licks, would say this yet another favorite from this album. "3d Side of the Coin" a perfect way to end my journey through this record, overall I enjoy this album very much, I recommend for all metal, DM, melodic, and even thrash oriented fans. I will be looking to see what the third album has in store.




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