Arceye - At First Light

Arceye: death/thrash metal band from Shrewsbury UK. Consisting of four members, Al Llewellyn - Vocals/Bass, Dave Roberts - Guitar/Vocals, Luke Durston - Guitar/Vocals, Craig Mackay-Drums/Samples. "At First Light", is the brand new album released on Hostile Media August 7 2013. The title track begins with a clean guitar with a gradual build up into fast drums an a fast solo to warm us up. "The Storm", death metal is evident - the riffs are well thought out in this song in particular, although they have a familiar vibe they are played in such a way that keeps your mind intent. "The Longest Drive", intriguing from the start, love the clean progression, this takes right into "I Silently Wait", at first I thought it would just blast through but then it turned into something much more interesting musically. I found myself paying attention to what exactly the rhythms were doing, very good song- I do here a Lamb of God influence on this track, which is a good thing since I am a LOG fan. "Sirius", more mellow paced on the opening, this song is different than the others, melodic and memorable composition, its good to know this album has clean to heavy fast paced passages. I will say Sirius is my favorite song thus far. "Brother Disarmed", interesting title. You can feel the thunderous double kick work by Mr. Craig Mackay assaulting rhythms and solid dynamics. I also like the vocalization, we get a good blend of high, mid, and low. "Prey Forgiveness", trying to keep up with the flurry of notes the begin on this song is mind bending and well executed. "Damage Done', very different from the the rest proving once again the diverse talents these musicians have- if I had to compare this song to something I would have to say CYNIC, clean vocals are awesome and hold their own unique style. The band has been around since 2004 and also have a previous release  ‘The Divide Between Chaos & Order' from 2009. Overall I really enjoyed this album and found myself intrigue by the variety and character each song exhibits. These are some very talented individuals who together create a destructive yet melodic musical force.
Arceye Official site


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