Close To Perfection - Life is Better In Red

An EP released on Satanica productions in 2010. Members in this project are Necrosadik, (Mexico) vocals/lyrics/organs/recording. Danny (USA) acoustic guitar/programming/recording/samples The intro really captures everything that will be experienced within this mad creation, its title is Words Splattered On My Chest, keyboard and wild obscure screams. "A world Without you', Psycho intro- very nice touch, followed by discorded passages and more madmen screams. Misled Illusions, not sure what type of vocals effect is used but it comes in wild and loud - but its fitting for a chaos of melody meets madness. "Think is A Regret", clean type of guitar and bass painting dismal turbulent ride. "Crushing The Walls Of My Mind', acoustic guitar time, disturbing psychotic screams from the asylum plus some organs and distant creepy sounds. "Nothing Left Inside My Eyes, feeling the oppression and despair by this point, agony whispers and captivating composition. "Astral projection', different from the other tracks, backward type of effect is cool, this is the end of my journey into this album. Overall found myself listen intently for the next surprise. I recommend for those who seek obscure sounds and chaotic type of vocals.



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