Chaos Moon - Amissum

Chaos Moon is a one piece band, members on this release are  Alex Poole (Krieg,   Martrod, Esoterica, Skaphe, Lithotome). Vocals on "Amissum” track performed by Eric Baker. Cover photo by   H.V. Lyngdal (Wormlust). Layout by Black Moon Design. Music style is listed as, Black metal. Band location, Philadelphia, PA.

Amissum EP to be released on CD March 2016 on Helltrasher Productions. Digital release was on January 27, 2016. Featured here will be an extended version with bonus track "Resurrection III" and new version of "Amissum". My initial thoughts on this EP are, deep in trance, the waves of perpetual darkness created by the music are undeniably monumental. A sense of despair. Like a winding corridor that becomes bleak and barren. Rhythms are slow to mid tempo. Heavy reverb on the vocals and long tremolo picking through dissonant chords. This is my first experience listening to this project and it delivers a dark atmosphere. Noting some similar and previous groups, I can say that it reminds me of Xaos Oblivion, Hoth, Torrens Conscientium and Atrum Tempestas.

Presented here are five malevolent and potent compositions. The songs that stood out to me would be, "To Transcend The Spine", a mid tempo song with high screams that seem to come from the deep abyss. "Illusions of Dusk and Dawn (Rerecord)", comes in with great furious blast beats. Closer to a Gorgoroth or Belphegore style. The arrangements reach deep and take us on long and brutalizing journeys. 

Final thoughts, this release presents both dark and complex melodies. It creates dissonant soundscapes effortlessly and leaves the listener wanting more.



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