ONIRISM - Cosmic Dream

Onirism is a one man band made up of, Antoine Guibert (Hentgarm, Belenos). Music style is listed as, Epic Symphonic Black Metal. Band location, Nantes, France.

Cosmic Dream album self released on Feb. 9th 2016. The sinister sounds of the underground penetrate the mortal realm once again. Upon obtaining this promo, I thought, the band name is unique, there is something mysterious about it and not your typical band name. Presented here are twelve engaging songs of dark atmosphere. Nightmarish intros and devastating black metal. Some of my favorite compositions would be "Ephemeral World I", comes in with a mesmerizing middle eastern sounding rhythm that slowly builds up into some powerful blast beats with demonic vocals. The track "At the Heart of the Desert for the Eternity (Introduction)", is epic. A big sonic experience with pulsing drums, mainly rolling toms, make lead way into a punishing onslaught of carnal sound. "The Curse of Ahriman", is a furious beast of a song, reminds me of Mayhem, Demonic Christ and Gorgoroth.   

Final thoughts, the album constructs a wide musical landscape with brutality, melody and atmosphere.




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