Antoinette Michael Thornes - Issues

Pure Rock from the NYC area with a highly talented vocalist Antoinette. The first song For Keeps automatically grabs my attention, the album has great production everything is clear and well balanced. Fortune's Fool, catchy guitar riffs and involved bass lines. This band has been together since 2010 and have played many live performances. Its interesting to note, the vocalist Antoinette lost her voice in an accident, in that time span she wrote music. By listening to her amazing voice you could never tell she went without it for some time. Are These Tears?, great sound on the guitars, warm tone and perfect pitch on the solos. Detroit Hustle, high praise on the bass, very hard driven song and probably my favorite so far. Between You &Me, has a bluesy feel and I am enjoying it very much, you can hear some dual vocals on this track. Gaslight, I am hearing a Led Zeppelin influence on this song which is a very good thing. Always, has beautiful acoustic guitar work, very pristine sound and vocals paint a beautiful landscape of harmony. Someday, great lyric content and sung with deep emotion. The last song starts of with a life performance feel which is great then the music kicks in with some clean guitars and I get that blues sound running in my head once again. So many different aspects of rock n roll been projected on this album leave me wondering what the next album will sound like, one thing for sure the vocals are unique and  will stay in my head for years to come.
~Frank G

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