Ira Vampira - Feature Model #10 3/2013

New for the month March, introducing Ira Vampira

What inspired you to do modeling? Was there a point early in your life that sparked your interest?
I absolutely love taking photos of me and other people. I've actually had multiple people tell me they'd wish I'd post more pictures of me and my colorful hair style and make up. Shops asked me if i want to model for them. I was very surprised and flattered. It is a good feeling, and modeling has been my passion.
I decided to make this look useful to the world - like companies, people that want or need good looks to showcase, advertise or make known their products or whatever they are selling to the public.

You have dark elements to your style, was there an event or moment that made you decide on your style?
I'm a creative person. I dress and wear the make-up I do to express myself. I am creative in terms of my looks. Life is to short to be normal. I'm bored of all the unoriginality in this world. I'm bored of people that are too scared to stand out from the crowd. I don't want to live to regret my living days... I want to live to live and to make a statement. I want to encourage people to be original.

Name some of your favorite music or bands?
I love rock cover songs (punk goes pop), post-hardcore, screamo, emocore, alternative rock, indie rock... I like a lot of genres and bands. My favorite band is Amyst

Do you enjoy regular photoshoots? or ones where you get to play a character?
I like to change my style and play a character. Its interesting but I also like regular shoots.

What other interest do you have besides modeling?
My job  I`m a hairstylist. I Love hair, make up, shopping and animals... I love animals that's why I am a vegan.

Are there any significant projects or events you are looking forward to in the coming months?
No I will let myself be surprised.

If someone is interested in hiring you (modeling agency, bands, producers, etc..) where is the best place to get a hold of you?

Facebook: Ira Vampira Official


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