Shallow Grave Satanic Orchestra - Use Your Conclusion Part1

Use Your Conclusion Part1, not sure what I was expecting when I popped this into my stereo. Shallow Grave called themselves a surrealist techno punk rock interstellar goth dub stomp band, now that's a tall order, they are from Illinois. The first track Inconspicuous Oubliette starts with clean guitars, I like the vocals. Cock for a Day, a drum machine is evident which is cool with me since I too write to drum machine on my projects. Dear Phelps Family, cool samples overlay along with heavier guitar sound. Racist Hollow Body, some interesting bass lines with off time drums give this one a jammin vibe, I hear a heavy Marilyn Manson influence on this track, vocals are BM style which is cool. The End Was Here (Scott Walker Remix) techno black metal mix, a well stitched composition, pure drums, keys and raw BM vocals. Team Wolf, probably my favorite song on this album both for lyrical content and musical mayhem. Agnostic Floyd, I like the guitar solos that appear in the middle of this song. John Doe #3 starts with a killer's confession of strange blood on his hands followed by what I could describe as the dub stomp part of the music along with raw BM vocals. Punk Rocker Hooker, maybe one day this could be made into a cult horror film, I love that title, this could be its soundtrack. Last song is Star, overall Shallow grave is psychedelic experience of sound I will never forget, check out their tracks on the Soundcloud widget provided on this blog.
~Frank G.
Physical publication in AEA zine #22

Shallow Grave FB


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