Psychara - Feature Model #17 3/2013

Happy to introduce everyone to Psychara, alternative model from the Netherlands.

1- What inspired you to do modeling? Was there a point early in your life that sparked your interest?
I wore this alternative style since I was 11 or 12 (well, very babygoth-y in the beginning ofc!) and photographers ask me to model for them when I was around 16, because they liked my style so much! c: So since then I'm doing modeling and photographers ask me to work with them or model stuff for companies!

2- You have dark elements to your style, was there an event or moment that made you decide on your style?
I grew up with the gothic metal music my dad listened to, and I always liked that music as well. I noticed the beautiful clothing they wore and I just absolutely adored it! Nothing really 'dark' happened to me, I'm just a regular girl with a unregular look! ^ 3^

3- Name some of your favorite music or bands?
I actually listen to a lot of kinds of genres. From metal to Drum and Bass, and industrial to even Celtic music. 
I reeeaaally like Korn, but only their olskool work! Angelspit rocks too, such as Rob Zombie and I even like Lana Del Rey! Very varied music taste, yeah. c:

4- Name some of your accomplishments or highlights of your career so far?
Unfortunately, there aren't any alternative model agencies here in the Netherlands.. And at the moment, I'm way too busy with school to be full-time modelling..
I'm still in college, last year of the study Graphic Design. This September I will be moving out, to the other side of country to go to an Art school! Very excited.
Don't think I have accomplished very much yet, both in modelling or my work as an graphic designer/illustrator. My life just begun! ^ 3^

5- Do you enjoy regular photoshoots? or ones where you get to play a character?
I LOVE doing gore or fantasy themed shoots, because I can go even more crazy with that as in regular shoots! The most boring shoots are in my eyes shoots in studios. I prefer on location, I can do so much more with the environment on location.. I don't want to be a model who's just gonna stay there and be pretty, I love doing sick poses and work with the place I am at.

6- What other interest do you have besides modeling?
I love to illustrate and to party! I also really love animals and horror movies!

7- Are there any significant projects or events you are looking forward to in the coming months?
The Elf Fantasy Fair is coming up here! It's a fantasy event which is held every year here in the Netherlands. This time will be the 8th time I go there and I'm working on an epic faun costume!

8- If someone is interested in hiring you (modeling agency, bands, producers, etc..) where is the best place to get a hold of you?
My facebookpage Psychara
I'm very active there and reply to every message there! Best way is to PM me there.

Other links to find Psychara

Psychara Tumbler
Psychara Youtube


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