Jenza Louise - Feature Model #13 3/2013

Introducing Tattooed model Jenza Louise

Photo by: Zegrae Stylefoto

1-What inspired you to do modeling? Was there a point early in your life that sparked your interest?

I actually got spotted in my town n ask if they could photograph my tattoos they hadn't seen ya girl with a full sleeve so I started getting into it, then advertised myself then went from there.

Photo by: Zegrae Stylefoto

2- You have dark elements to your style, was there an event or moment that made you decide on your style?

I started getting my style when I became divorced at 21. I had no tattoos and dressed very plainly, since then I'm totally different, I'm always changing my image now.

Photo by: Zegrae Stylefoto

3- Name some of your favorite music or bands?

I like a lot of styles of music to 80's to the present, I love Evanescence, Arctic Monkeys, Blink 182 and No Doubt at the moment.

Photo by: Zegrae Stylefoto

Photo by: Zegrae Stylefoto

4- Name some of your accomplishments or highlights of your career so far?

My biggest accomplishment is 2 years down the line, I'm still modeling, people still loving my pictures and I'm currently working on sets for Suicide Girls, I get so happy just when a big fan based page shares one of my photos.

Photo by: Zegrae Stylefoto

5- Do you enjoy regular photoshoots? or ones where you get to play a character?

I love all my shoots. I try to keep them different and go for new things playing different characters I prefer, then I don't feel as nervous, I can be who ever I want to be.

Photo by: Zegrae Stylefoto

6- What other interest do you have besides modeling?

I'm very much into my fitness, love going the gym, I'm also mum to my 5yr old son Alfie he's a star within himself and keeps me busy.

Photo by: Zegrae Stylefoto

7- Are there any significant projects or events you are looking forward to in the coming months?

At the moment nothing specific but I am traveling the next two weeks around with different published photographers to get different Suicide Girls set.

Photo by: Zegrae Stylefoto

8- If someone is interested in hiring you (modeling agency, bands, producers, etc..) where is the best place to get a hold of you?

If anyone interested in working with me they can contact me on my fb model page or Purestorm Misfitlouise is my name on there.

Jenza Louise FB
Purestorm Misfit Louise


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