Mongrel - Reclamation

Pure intensity from the first song. Mongrel is a four piece band from Boston MA. This is their second full length album Reclamation. Bored to Death, is the first track on this album, very cool guitar riffs initiates this song. Great production. Pseudocide is short but sweet. Fuck off and Die, clear and to the point, this song sticks in mind right away, enjoying the vocal style of singer Jessica Sierra, this one is sure to be a favorite for fans worldwide. Zombies of War, aggressive guitar riffs are evident through out, great lyric content. The More I Bleed, this track reminds me of Otep, it is more driven, chunky guitar and massive chops. Tarnished Halo, loving the opening intro, we get a chance to hear the bass player Mich Maltais doing a memorable passage with a clean guitar part to compliment. C and a 1/2, now there's and interesting name for a track. Dual vocals in the chorus line will make this stay in your mind a humming away to this hard driven song. Crucifiction, Mike "Hoagie" Hogan (drums) are a highlight for this track plus some interesting solos to bring out the intensity. Revisionist, slightly different with a clean melody to bring us into another scope of musicianship. Mongrel has been creating their style of Hard Rock since 2003 and have a previous release Declamation EP from 2011. Wake up, once again the bass does some involved riffing, I like the production quality, I can understand every single note. The last track is No Gods No Masters, I feel this is a punk/rock anthem just by the raw feeling it creates, and is probably my favorite song of this entire album. Mongrel is a very active project and has done many live performances sharing the stage with the likes of Gwar, Shadows Fall, God Forbid, Vision of Disorder, etc. be sure to catch them live a show near you.

Mongrel Facebook
Mongrel Bandcamp


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