Nostalgia - Negativo EP

A four piece band from Lima, Peru. Beginning in 2007 this is their EP Negativo (Negative). The first track is Nada es Verdad, Nada es Para Siempre (Nothing is True, Nothing is Forever) melodic and eerie building into a BM style of riffing. El Dolor Me Mantiene Vivo (The Pain Keeps Me Alive) a strong song, good production on the drums, very clear and balanced, nice bass lines are spread through out, great composition, we also get a acoustic piece towards the end which is awesome. Tus Cicatrices (Your Scars) True BM style like old Mayhem or Satyricon, drums are doing some awesome rhythm fills, a fast pace track much more aggressive than the first two, I would have to say it is my favorite of this EP. The band labels themselves depressive and Extreme music and it is correct, the members of this current line up are Neandro R. Esteves Alcazar - (Vocals) Fernando Minei Niquen - (Bass) Carlos Vargas Escate - (Guitars) Jorge Sánchez Meza - (Drums). Estas Muerta (You're Dead), is the final track, it begins with a spine chilling solo followed by equally intense bass fill, true hymns of BM brutality are abound through its entirety. The bands music is widely available to anyone who is interested, they are independent and very active in their area. Overall I enjoy this EP, it had many surprises, but what i like the most is how they captured the original black metal style of the early days which is how I grew up listening to it, it is pleasing to hear its still very much alive in their writings.

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