Crome Molly - Bloody Murder Circus

I was originally introduced to Crome Molly through reading AEA zine. I had listen to one or two tracks on Myspace too. Death March starts my trip into this album, a haunting and chilling chant draws the listener right in. Eyes Sewn Shut, the bass is a dominant force on this track, there are multiple vocals which is nice cause they all fit in perfectly. Schitzo, sounds exactly like the title, I am loving the vocals.
"Weed" completely brings me back to my smokin days' and if I still did, this song would make me spark up a fatty for sure, very cool solo in this song. Crome Molly formed in 2004 and hail from Tennessee. The cover to Bloody Murder Circus is a fitting image as you listen to this album it feels like a mad ride in a circus. My Hate, catchy melodic riffs and impressive clean vocals make this one to spin several times. If i had to compare to some other bands I would have to say a little bit of Down, Suicidal Tendencies, or maybe even early Motley Crue. There is a rap song (Dam Bam) and I found myself enjoying it, goes to show the diversity in their music. The title track "Bloody Murder Circus" sweet chorus, going on their photos from their live performances, they all have stage characters all lead by ringmaster Joesepth Devil and this song is very fitting. Overall an exciting experience and enjoyable songs.
~Physical publication in AEA zine #22

Crome Molly FB
Crome Molly Official


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