Munkinpure - A Different Kind of Beat

Munkinpure is hard rock/alternative band from the UK. I really like the level of production on this EP, lots of clean guitars come through with great clarity. Starting with the first track "Killing Time" the main vocals/drums (Travis Marc) has a unique style, very distinct when you hear his voice. This song has a very catchy chorus an instantly sticks in your head the moment you hear it. "Better Than Ever" has great drums happening, lots of great rolls and fills- its impressive to hear that since drums are holding down the main vocals. The band started out in 2008 and were originally from South Africa where they played many venues and most definitely left their mark. They relocated to the UK in 2010. Other releases include "For Lack of a Better Word" EP and full length "This is Where The Money Went". Next up in my listening experience is "TV Credits" its great to hear a collaboration of vocal harmonies which blend beautifully together, great chemistry all around. We get a  blues style of playing on this one, my favorite part has got to be towards the end, there is a sweet solo that takes you by surprise and its a good one. "I Won't Be Your Valentine" reminds me of Foo Fighters at first, until the vocals kick in then goes into a more involved guitar playing at a faster pace melody which is great. "Cheekbones" is the last song, with a beautiful clean acoustic guitar accompanied by violin and meaningful lyric content this is my favorite track on the EP. This band is on the DIY spectrum of getting their music out which I have much respect for. It is surprising that no label has signed them, I feel their music can reach a vast audience.

Munkinpure Reverbnation
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