Anger As Art - Hubris Inc.

If you are looking for thrash/speed metal, Anger As Art is the band you want to be listening to. They are a four piece band from California and got their start in 2004. The moment the album starts it is apparent that there are going to be some sweet solos all over this, which is something I particularly look forward to. Head of the Snake has a beautiful twelve string guitar riff that sticks in my head right away. The vocals are classic thrash metal style and are done with some incredible highs like those of the Overkill albums but with their own vibe happening. This band is composed of members from Hirax, Reverend, Evil Dead, Abattoir and Winterthrall. With a resurgence of thrash in the past few years only a few bands have been able to establish themselves as true thrash/speed metal for this decade and Anger As Art is one of these bands. Holding their ground on what they love to play and being very successful at it. They have gone on tour with some legendary bands like Testament and Destruction.

The song Rage and Retribution is by far the best song for the vocals, the listener can clearly understand the wide range of pitch the singer has on this track. Time Devours Life is a super speed assault of the senses, it reminds me of old Exodus or Anthrax, very well done and never lets up, probably my favorite song on this album. Anger is the Reason has some very cool dual vocals that will have their fans singing along at all their concerts. Speed Kills brings all the elements together to achieve a song that is true to thrash/speed and has a unique stamp on it, if think you heard it all this song will kick you in the face and make you think again.

The cover to the album is unique in my eyes. I have noticed most of the thrash metal resurgence bands like to use the comic style type art for covers, which is fine, but in my opinion its a bit overdone. It's good to see something different for a change. There are fourteen tracks in total and each one has something special to offer.

Anger As Art FB
Anger As Art official site


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