Ulcer - Grant Us Death

Ulcer has a wealth of experience in their craft, current members come from several bands that include Christ Agony, Engrave, Blaze of Perdition, Eclipse and many more. They released two demos back in 2006 Property of God? and Slitwrist Society. A full length  in 2007 Serpent Trinity. The current release is on Pulverized Records. 

Grant us Death, an enchanting twelve string harmony begins our trip into the deep. This song has an Entombed influence which is a good thing and deriving its own vibe. Devilspeed is next, the main riff in this track adopts to its title as its brutal and relenting. "The Love song" has some haunting vocal layers in the beginning and memorable guitar harmonies. "God Cremation" has a Dismember style to it until I heard the solo, wow- I really like this one and love the title as well. "Devitalized" so many aspects of this song are amazing composition to say the least, impressive overtures with interesting mix of old school style riffs and solos- an instant favorite for me. "When Horror Comes" closes this album, the opening sounds like demons walking through the gates of hell, awesome, hymns of atrocities fill my mind as I listen. The album leaves the listener wanting more.

The band has been able to accomplish a true death metal experience from its roots, fans of early nineties DM will be sure to pick this up. Check out their other material as well, give them a like on FB -support their amazing talent.

Ulcer FB
Ulcer Myspace


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