ThermiT - Demo'n'Beer

The cover to this album is awesome, simple but effective. The title says it all Demo'n'Beer, although the production quality is far better than a demo. ThermiT is a four piece band from Poland formed in 2009. Modern Warfare starts this album, nice and punchy bass sound, guitars come in with well balanced sound, vocals are good, they remind me of early Overkill style. Morituri Te Salutant, great verses and chorus happening here, I enjoy the high vocals, he is able to hit that perfect pitch. There are some very skilled guitar duels on this track towards the end which highlights the talent of both musicians. Mr. two Face, great composition with many dynamics, the vocals are impressive on this one, I also enjoy the harmonies of the guitars as they are well executed. Pirates, good aggressive start followed by clean riffs and awesome bass matching with some imaginative overtures, I like this very much, reminds me of Iron Maiden. Hatred is next, guitar does some cool triplet action and the bass compliments with exact precision, there is something unique about the vocals although it is rooted in thrash metal style they hold their own distinct signature. Thrash, is the last track, and all I can say is "PARTY time" wow, this will be an excellent track to go out and cause some trouble at the bar, very cool to listen to this, with guitars ripping it up in true thrash metal style, a perfect ending leaving the listener wanting more. This album was a good surprise, the quality of production is really good considering the title might fool some people, these guys are extremely talented and execute their skills with perfection, I recommend this album as all the elements of good thrash metal are evident through out the entire composition. Looking forward to the future of ThermiT and hope they can play some concerts here in the USA. 

ThermiT FB


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