Skineater - Dermal Harvest

Pure adrenaline from the moment you hit play. Skineater is a five piece band from Sweden. Got started back in 2008 but sound like they have been together for much longer. Solid production on these tracks perfect for the level of talent being exude in each track. The album is released on Pulverized Records which has quite the number of excellent bands on their roster.

The song Dismantling has some great guitar riffs that are arranged perfect to be technical yet elegant. I enjoy the vocal style, its not to low or high but rides a good middle ground and lyrics are well understood. "Made of Godsick" has an old Morbid Angel feeling to it, but retains its own vibe. Nice arpeggio action in the song "Through The Empire" plus some pummeling drum assault.
"Stab" is an interesting piece since you will be banging your head then it takes to another dark place with some clean guitars appearing followed by some really good guitar riffs that lead you back to mosh stomping action."Drifting" has a thrash feel to it at times which is good. Solitude Discord closes the album and features some killer drum rolls in the middle that are design to create a pit of massive proportions. 

Amazing production (Mixed and mastered at Sweden's Studio Underground) captures every single note and clear understanding of what the band is portraying in each composition. This one is sure to be a sought out by both novice and veteran metal heads.

Skineater FB
official Skineater site



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