Mothership - Mothership

This is a pleasant surprise. The album starts with an enticing track "Hallucination" like taking a bag of mushrooms, my journey into the band Mothership has begun. A three piece band from Dallas, TX, formed in 2010. Heavy rock the likes of early Black Sabbath or Motorhead but with a distinct vocals. Cosmic Rain comes roaring in and I am loving the guitars. Feels good to hear this style still prevailing in this decade and its done very well by this band. City Nights will be a significant track for this album, creating a party atmosphere, feel like riding a Harley and causing some trouble, very catchy chorus and groovy vibes happening on this one. Angel of Death, some sweet sounding solo starts this one of and if this track does not have you jammin nothing will. I am suddenly reminded there are only three members and they know how to rock, normally expect to see a five piece band pulling of  compositions like this. Win or Lose, clean, unassuming and memorable I am feeling the Black Sabbath in this track which is a good thing. Elinin, I always enjoy when the bass begins a track and its a sweet sounding bass at that. Eagle Soars, the drums are highlighted here with many dynamics involved. The closer is "Lunar Master" great verses and memorable chorus is a classic in the making. I will be spinning this one for a long time to come, this track leaves me wanting more.

Anyone who is interested will be happy to know they are going on tour this year. Check out their FB site or Ripple Music site for more info. The future looks good for this family of musicians. I highly recommend this album.

Mothership FB
Ripple Music


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