Lifeless - Godconstruct

German death metal band Lifeless formed in 2006 but listening to the new album Godconstruct sounds like it came from the early nineties. Some of the influences I hear on the tracks are Grave and Entombed. This is a very solid album forged in brutality. The cover looks the the entrance to hell itself. Not to complicated and fits the music been experienced. The production is great, all the instruments are well balanced. Many cool intros and overlayed samples just like the old school days of death metal. Lifeless is a four member band and has released a split -Chapels of Lifeless Cult in 2012 and a full length Beyond the Threshold of Death in 2008. I grew up listening to 90's death metal and can say this band embodies every aspect of the genre. This new release will be out in March and will be both a digital and Vinyl release with some extras like stickers and poster so be sure to follow the band on Lifeless FB. Although this album is done in 90's style death metal  there are some current topics been expressed lyrically. The Truth Concealed is a perfect track to listen to, I t really stays in my mind. Reconquering The Soul is probably my favorite of the entire album be sure to check out this band as they seem to have much to offer for fans of true death metal.


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