Grey Heaven Fall - Black Wisdom

Grey Heaven Fall is a three piece band consisting of Arsagor - Vocals, Guitars, SS - Bass Guitar, Pavel - Drums. Genre described as Black Metal, Death Metal. Band origin Podolsk (Russia)

Black Wisdom album released on Aesthetics of Devastation October 30 2015. My first impression, the dark atmosphere converges all the senses from the opening track. It captivates my interest. The dissonant chords of the song "The Lord Blissful in Grief", set you up to explore the deepest part of the abyss. Visions of dark paths through hazy mist materialize in my mind as I listen. The production is very good. The vocals are mostly black metal style with some high peaks at moments. Solid drum sound and powerful guitar tones. Along with all the dissonance and chaos, you will also hear some melodic phrases in the compositions. Tracks like "That Nail In The Heart", is haunting and catchy and it is one of my favorite tracks on this album.

In conclusion, the band manages to capture the listeners attention with dark malevolent sounds and still remain melodic. I recommended it to all BM as well as death metal fans. 



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